
Aug 22, 2015

[Env] Food Chain and Food Web


Food Chain
·        For example, plants are eaten by insects, insects are eaten by frogs, these frogs are eaten by fish, and fishes are eaten by human beings. [Plant > insect > frog > fish > human] This sequence is known as Food chain.

What is Trophic Level?
·        Each step in the food chain is called a “Trophic level”.
·        In this food chain: Plant > Insect > Frog > Fish > Human= five steps.
·        The trophic level to which an organism belongs, indicates how far it is away from plants in the food chain.
·        Green plants (producers) = trophic level I
·        Herbivores (primary consumers) = trophic level II
·        Carnivores (secondary consumers) = trophic level III
·        Top carnivores (tertiary consumers) = trophic level IV
·        Herbivores (deer, cow etc.) are always @ second trophic level.
·        Higher trophic levels are made up of carnivores.
·        An organism cannot always be assigned to one specific trophic level.
·        E.g. man (omnivore), so he is both a herbivore (@2nd trophic level) and as a carnivore he can be (@>2nd trophic level)

Types of Food Chains

Type of Food Chain
Food Chain
Starts with green plants.
Ex: Grass> grasshoppers> birds> hawks.
Also starts with green plants but here smaller organisms depending on larger organism. e.g. Grass> cow> lice.
Detritus* /saprophytic
Starts with dead plant/animal/ waste material> decomposers.
*Detrius = dry leaves, dead plant, animal remains, dead skin cells, other organic waste (urine, excreta).

Ecological Pyramids
·        We already know about the food chain:
[Grass –> Grasshoppers –>birds –>Hawk]
·        Each step or level is known as Trophic level.
·        If we draw these trophic levels in a verticle fashion, a pyramid is created. This pyramid is known as Ecological pyramid.
·        The Autotrophs (green plants) = base of the pyramid
·        The top carnivores (lion tigers) = tip (apex) of this pyramid.

Types of Pyramids
·        Pyramid of numbers
·        Pyramid of biomass
·        Pyramid of energy or productivity

Food Web
·        Food Chain: Grass> grasshopper >frog > fish > man
·        Food chain assume the isolated linear line. But in real life, frog could be eating other insects apart from grasshopper. Fish could be eating smaller fishes apart from frog. So there exists an interconnected Network of (Food Chain + Food Chain + Food chain…).
·        This interconnected network of food chains = food web.

Why is Food web important?
·        Suppose in a jungle, the deer species is wiped out due to some human poaching/ diseases / natural disaster.
·        Then its predators (lion, tiger) can feed on other animals such as fox, wolf, crane, peacock etc. until deer population grows again.
·        Thus, food web= help living organism survive in case of minor or major setbacks in their food chain.
·        Food web=provides stability to the ecosystem.

Energy Flow in the Ecosystem
·        When energy is passed from one tropic level to next trophic level, some part of energy is wasted. So energy declines as we move up in the chain/ web / pyramid.
·        Because some energy is wasted as body heat.
·        No herbivore (deer, cow) can entirely digest and absorb the plant nutrients.
·        Some energy is wasted while capturing the prey. (Ex: Tiger chasing a deer.)
·        Some energy remains trapped e.g. Tiger only eats the flash of a deer. He doesn’t eat the skin, hair, bone and teeth of a deer.
·        So the energy stored in the skin, hair, bone and teeth of a deer =not moved up in the food chain.
·        However this energy is later utilized when scavenger (hyena) comes into picture. Because Hyena’s stomach acid is so powerful, it can digest the skin, hair, bone, teeth and other remnants of a deer corpse.

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