
Aug 21, 2015

[Env] Biodiversity Conservation


In-situ biodiversity conservation (Natural Home)
·        In this case, we identify an area with high biodiversity (= this area has lot of number and variety of plants and animals)
·        And then, we isolate and protect this area from human activities by establishing a natural park/sanctuary/biosphere reserve etc.
·        Very essential for big animals like elephants, rhinos, tigers: they require huge area.

Difference between a national park, wildlife Sanctuary, and a biosphere reserve

National Park
No human activity or settlement allowed.
Villagers cannot graze their animals, Extremely strict rules about jungle produce collection (Tendu leaves, Honey etc.)

Wildlife Sanctuary
People are not allowed to live (some exceptions though) but some human activities are allowed, such as grazing, firewood collection.
Tourism is permitted
A Sanctuary can be upgraded as a National Park. However a National Park cannot be downgraded as a Sanctuary.
Biosphere Reserves
Biosphere reserve    People are allowed to live, own private land and carry on their traditional activities. (In the outer-zone)

 Ex-Situ biodiversity conservation (artificial home)
Examples: seed banks, zoo, botanical gardens, aquariums

Seed Banks
They store seeds at extremely low temperature and humidity.
Advantage: can save large variety of plant species in a very small space.
Disadvantage: Every seed has an expiry date, you cannot store it for an indefinite time. So every once in a while, you have to take out the seeds, germinate them and get new seeds and store them again.
Multinational companies such as Monasoto have excellent infrastructure for these activities, but they care for storing the seeds of commercially viable species only. Ex. Wheat, maize, rice, potato, brinjal etc. for doing research and development on them, and create new hybrid varieties.
They have no interest in protecting some unknown grass or fruit of jungle on the verge of extinction, this duty falls on the (inefficient) government agencies.

We can bring some endangered species in zoo, try to breed them, and reintroduce their offsprings in the jungle. (done in case of pandas, orangutans etc.)
Central Zoo Authority of India
Enforces minimum standards and norms for upkeep and health care of animals in Indian Zoos
Restrains mushrooming of unplanned and ill-conceived Zoos that were cropping up as adjuncts to public parks, industrial complexes and waysides.
Not all species can breed in captivity. Life expectancy of Caged Ex-situ animal is less compared to its in-situ cousin.
Offsprings born in captivity, have problems in adjusting and surviving in jungles.
Tiger cub born in zoo, feeding on readymade meat, living in a small area, cannot easily survive in a jungle. It doesn’t know how to efficiently move in a jungle and hunt animals.
Zoos require huge land, lot of funds, trained personnel.
Zoos concentrate on protection and breeding of big and popular species such as Tiger, Panda, orangutans, etc. as it brings more public support and funds.
But small and unknown species such as frogs and birds get neglected.
Botanical Garden
They do not get as much media attention, public support and charity like the zoos.


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