
Aug 9, 2016

[CA/GK] Breastfeeding Awareness

Breastfeeding Awareness / MAA Programme

Government has launched National Breastfeeding Promotion Programme – MAA (Mothers’ Absolute Affection) to ensure adequate awareness is generated among masses, especially mothers, on the benefits of breastfeeding.
World Breastfeeding Week: August 01 – 07, 2016

·       The goal of the Programme is to enhance optimal breastfeeding practices, which includes initiation of breastfeeding within an hour of birth, exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months, and continued breastfeeding for at least two years.
·       The government will train nurses in government hospitals, Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA), Auxiliary Nurse Mid-wives (ANM) to provide relevant information and counselling support to mothers for breastfeeding.
·       Monitoring and impact assessment is also an integral part of MAA programme. Progress will be measured against key indicators, such as availability of skilled persons at ground for counselling, improvement in breastfeeding practices and number of accredited health facilities.
·       Dedicated funds— Rs 4.3 lakhs per district, have been allocated to states for the programme, which is in addition to the funds approved under National Health Mission’s annual project implementation plans.
·       To ensure effective roll-out of the programme ministry of health has established MAA secretariat and a steering committee will be created in all states and at the district level.
·       The programme will be monitored by UNICEF and other partners. UNICEF has roped in actor Madhuri Dixit as brand ambassador to promote breastfeeding.

Importance of breast feeding:
Ø 13%: children die below 5 yrs of age, owing to poor breastfeeding practices.
Ø 823 000: child deaths can be averted every year.
Ø 1,56,000: child deaths could be reduced in India with breastfeeding.
Ø 4 million: respiratory infection episodes can be reduced.
Ø 9 million: Diarrhoea episodes can be reduced.
Ø 15 times: children are more likely to die of pneumonia who are not breastfed.
Ø 11 times: children are more likely to die of diarrhea.
Ø 20,000: mothers’ deaths due to breast cancer can be averted globally f mothers breastfeed for more than a year.
Ø 3 to 4 points: Increase in IQ, depending on the duration of breastfeeding.

Indian Scenario:
ü 7%: deliveries take place in hospitals.
ü 6%: children receive breastfeeding within one hour of birth.
ü 9%: exclusively breastfed for the first six months.

ü 5%: children between 6-8 months given complementary foods.

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